Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mystic Animal: Basilisk or Cockatrice

Basilisk or Cockatrice is the king of snake. It was told to be a half snake, half chicken mystic creature. At first, it's just a snake with deadly poison but it started to develop its form into a snake with the head of cock or human in Middle Ages.

In the beginning, Basilisk is the symbol of devil or those who Antichrist. This believe comes form Psalms 91:13 of Douay Rheims Bible

'Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the basilik: and thou shalt trample under foot the lion and the dragon.'

Saint Augustin interpreted that these 4 animals are each version of the Satan that was defeated by Jesus.

But to Protestant, it's the symbol of papacy.

For heraldry that use Basilisk as symbol will be Basilisk that has head, body and legs of a cock. The snake part will be at its tongue and arrow point around it snake like buttocks and a bat wing.

Basilisk was mostly seen in art from Medieval Era. It was hardly seen in Renaissance Era of Italy although it's a well-known symbol.

To see more information about Basilisk please visit God & Spirits.


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